Thursday, October 6, 2011
Bourbon Chase - The Pre-quel
Full Course:
My 3 Legs:
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weeks 16 and 15
- Week 16:
Longest Run = 9.44
- Week 15
Longest Run = 10
Friday, September 23, 2011
On a whim...
For the Bourbon Chase, I joined a friends team and we got shirts. 2 of them, so I asked for 2 larges. Well, I got 1 large and the option of a medium or XL.....
I chose Medium, To keep motivating me forward!
And another friend's motivation:
So true!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2 Months! Half Marathon for Charity - Any and all donations welcome!!!
plenty of miles and races, including 1 half marathon for charity. I am 34% through my goal with ~2 months to go for the Half Marathon in Malibu.
Unfortunately, I cannot run the Susan Komen 5k race this year, so I will be
putting all my fundraising efforts into this half marathon. If you have
already donated, many thanks for the well wishes! Even the smallest
donations will help!
If you would like to donate (or pass to someone else), please donate to my
page (make sure you see my picture) here:
Thank you in advance for any and all support!
Running and Grandma Hanley
Ever since February, the last part of my runs have always reminded me of my Grandma.
It's ~.3 miles, a slow uphill incline to a stop light. Regardless of what song comes on, or who I am talking to, I am always reminded of Grandma. It's just been my thing....
And running towards the stop light at the end reminds me of how Grandma would talk to me, live her life, our constantly inspire us to live our lives:
Blocked by trees= no worries, you know where to go, just follow your feet and keep living life to the fullest
Red = hurry up so you can catch it turning green again, don't rest and live the moment to the fullest.
Yellow = "nuts to the squirrels" or, learn to adjust life accordingly
Green = you can see the finish, I'm proud of you regardless of how you finish, or if the finish line changes.
Or, I can skip the light and make a left turn instead. But, then have a short/steep challenging hill, reminding me to keep pushing.
People come and go in our lives. But Grandma came, and still lives within each of us she touched throughout our daily lives.
Regardless of when I run (light/dark/cold/wet/hot), this light is always there, a constant reminder.
Weeks 18 and 17
- Week 18:
Total Mileage = 27.51
Longest Run = 7.5
- Week 17
Longest Run = 6
Weight Change since 9/5/2011 = 0 lbs. (this will get better)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
IMKY 2011
The finish line is definitely the highlights (interacting or catching the following people):
- a lady from Arkansas telling me her story for 20 minutes
- A Grandpa on his 60th birthday
- a man on completing 50th Ironman
- a brother that had to race and beat his younger brother's time
- a guy with a make-shift splint from a nasty bike spill
- a man from Cinci who gives all his race swag to his elderly mother who comes and watches every race
- Uproar for a man that was 100-200yards away and not going to make it ( without the crowd.
Same person, different view:
- And the final person to cross (, simply amazing!
Probably the coolest people to see at the finish line were two friends, who decided to change their lives and others through 140.6miles.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
IMKY 2011 is this weekend!
- What is an Ironman? (Not Me....maybe sometime in life)
Swim - 2.4 mile
Bike - 112 miles
Run - 26.2 miles
All in less than 17 hours. In hopes to get across that finish line and party:
- What is an Ironman Volunteer? (Me!)
Gives you chills
- And finally, who are these Ironmen triathletes?
Hockey friends
Life supporters and motivators
Maybe a little crazy
Someone to talk and share life's best and challenging moments with
Shoot the breeze and laugh
Most importantly, Ironmen (or future Ironmen) are some of the best friends you could ever have!
They have inspired and motivated me to attempt my first Half Ironman 70.3 Muncie in 2012 (already signed up buddies!)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
And my first Tri official results!
T1 = 4:29
Bike = 51:14
T2 = 1:27
Run = 29:42
Total = 1:48:46
I was not last :)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Tom Sawyer Triathlon Re-cap
- Pre-Race
- Especially hearing this as the first song on the radio again, and signing along:
- Bike Set-up takes a while to make sure everything is there. There is a lot of stuff to remember to pack.
- Swim (~20-24min)
- The first 50m were AWESOME!!! Bi-lateral breathing, Free-style, Fast
- 50m-400m - Why did I start so fast?!?!
- 400m-800m - Breast Stroke, toe touch the pool, why did I start so fast, I'm an idiot!
- Passed 1 person, passed by 3
- T1(<5min?)
- Bike (~52min)
- "Ugh what a crappy swim" Ok, time for some rolling KY hills
- Hit the speed limit of 25mph at one point, and guess what?! Speed bumps were in the way
- Passed 3-4 people, passed by 2 (including my buddy John #407)
- T2 (<2 min)
- Run (~<30 min)
- Gave plenty of encouragement to others, just keep running!
- Passed plenty of people, passed by 0!
- Post-Race (~1:50-2:00)
My version of "The good, the bad, and the ugly" in reverse order and much more positive:
- The "Much needing improvement" (it can only get better from here)
- The "Needs some improvement":
- On the Bike, because of the staggered start, you can be alone out there. Maybe see some people, maybe not. Make sure not to let my mind race.
- The "Good":
- No Chaffing
- The "Better and Best":
- About mile 8 of the bike, I remembered this: and began to JRA (Just Ride Along) and enjoy it!
- Telling people that already finished to come for the run with me
- Passing people and supporting them to keep going
- Post race shopping at Swag's and Border's for Sale items to reward myself and Heine Brother's Coffee
- Which triathlon do I do next?!?!?!?!?! (Of course, once I figure out swimming)
In closing, the motto that I have come up with for today:
Friday, August 5, 2011
Tomorrow is A New Chapter
Tomorrow is my first Triathlon:
Tomorrow is an 800m swim
Tomorrow is a 14 mile bike ride
Tomorrow is a 3.1 mile run.
Tomorrow is FUN!
Tomorrow I start a new chapter in life by crossing that Starting Line.
Tomorrow is Swim Bike Run, Swim Bike Run, Swim Bike Run!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
This is how I am feeling for my first Triathlon this week
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo
Half Century Club
Monday, July 25, 2011
"Lance's Dorky Cousin"
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Marathon Training Starts Monday!
- My first Sprint Triathlon in 2 weeks
- Detroit Half Marathon - Running with my brother through Detroit/Canada
- Malibu Half Marathon - Finally, a vacation run! Running for a Cause, help out if you can, any little amount helps: Donate here!
- In total, ~500 miles
And finally, January, Disney....26.2 miles of magic!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sometimes I feel like this...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
11 Keys to a Sucessful Marathon
Condensed Version:
But sooner or later the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.”
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
--- Will Rogers
Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.
-Lowell Thomas
Saturday, July 2, 2011
On top of Louisville
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 1, 2011 - Year in Review
About a year ago I told myself "I am going to change my lifestyle..."
Since that time:
- ~700 miles run
- 25-30 pounds lost
- 3 Half marathons completed (including my first sub 2hour!)
- >200 miles biked (this is within the last few months)
- Swim - a little bit
And in the next year, a minimum of 2 half marathons and my first full marathon in January @ Disney!!!
Anything is possible when you put your mind to it!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"The Rest of your life"
"You've learned that your past is only a description of where you've been, not a prescription of where you will be."
"The finish line is not the end. The finish line is the beginning.....Standing at the starting line gives you permission to hope and dream"
"The miracle is not that you finish, but that you had the courage to start."
"Crossing the starting line may be an act of courage, but crossing the finish line is an act of faith. And faith is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. Faith is what keeps us going when nothing else will. Faith is the emotion that conquers fear. Faith is the emotion that will give you victory over your past, the demons in your soul, and all of those voices that tell you what you can and cannot do and can and cannot be."
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Father's Day Weekend
This year, I signed up for a "vacation half marathon" in Malibu on Sunday November 13th, 2011. (

Each race (or event) usually has a different meaning for me....besides a vacation, I have also decided to run this one for charity and enjoy running on the Pacific Coast!
Dash for Dad's (For Grandpa's, Dad's, Brother's, Cousin's, or anyone affected or knowing someone affected)
Donation page:
Any and all help (monetary or words of wisdom) will be helpful and motivational!!!
Based on previous experiences, hopefully I can raise ~$2000 for another good cause!
Since I just started this page, make sure you see my picture on the donation page. Don't worry, I'll bug you later in the year too :)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
How to start?
The finish is the easy part, it's being able to step out the door and start that takes motivation and courage!
Along the motivational theme, I have found Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the world (or changing yourself to start)
1. Change yourself.
“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
2. You are in control.
“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
3. Forgive and let it go.
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
4. Without action you aren’t going anywhere.
“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
5. Take care of this moment.
“I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”
6. Everyone is human.
“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”
7. Persist.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
8. See the good in people and help them.
“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.”
“Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.”
“I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”
9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”
10. Continue to grow and evolve.
”Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”
Thursday, June 9, 2011
It can be hard to start, but once it gets going it can be even harder to "give up forever".
True, and here's a motivational guy that can explain why:
Pretty cool to be following him for a while:
Detroit, Malibu, and Disney are on the way!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Happy post National Runners Day
I posted "happy national runner's" day on FB, played two games of hockey and got home in the dark.
So, since being open/public keeps people honest, I put on my night vest:
And went for a night run! Sorry, I dislike being hypocritical, and had to go for my national runner's day run!
And what did that lead too?
The first time in 8-10 years is have seen <200lbs. On a scale....this is gonna be a good life :)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
It's gonna be a good life
A couple of weeks ago, after days of rain, it was finally sunny out all day. I happened to be in Indianapolis for my friends wedding, and I went for a run in downtown and a park. Amazing, and the U2 song "Beautiful Day" was stuck in my head.
This weekend, I went for a short, awesome visit to the place I call home: Detroit. Regardless of what people say about the city, it's where I came to know my family the most and the place I call home. There is something about everyone's "home", wherever it may be.
Small highlights of Memorial Day in Detroit:
-Solid 7 mile run in my home city I have never gone to "just run" before
-Attacked by a bird, twice on this run
-First "wood working" with Dad in a long time
-Walk with baby niece and sis
-"Play time" with a 1 year old... always remind you how simple you can make life and enjoy it
-BBQ with family
-Enjoyed cooking/prepping with mom/dad for the first time in a long time.
-Casino Fun - of course I lost
Along the way I heard this song again that sums it up- One Republic - Good life
Despite what gets you down, finances, weight, work, troubles in life, I can always find some comfort in a good song.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Amateur Hour
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What's in a name?
Zen of Ken - to be motivational and at peace
Kaizen Ken - to always change life for the better
A bunch of others came up, but the winner is.....
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Where to start?
The first goal will be to use this for running aspirations, and maybe motivate others as well as be motivated. But in the end, I will go with the flow and it should keep me public and honest. After back to back half marathon weekends, and setting a PR and feeling like crap the next week. At least I accomplished that lofty goal, so time to make some new goals.
How frequent will I update this? Depends on how I feel, a couple times a week, month, but hopefully more than a couple times a year.
Let's start off with those annoying " e-mails". To be honest, they are frustrating to get all the time "run this race, be more fit, etc." However, I always find myself going to a few of the articles to read something motivational.
I guess annoying(ness) can pay off. Example, Today's list: 76 ways to get moving...
Here is my list of completed motivational items:
1. Set your goal.
2. Buddy up. I used to only run alone, now am finding the benefits of running with others.
3. Amp up your playlist. Music is what keeps me going and digging deep, along with people watching.
4. Write your goals out.
5. Log your training. I am an engineer, lots of graphs, maybe I’ll post them sometime.
6. Buy a new workout outfit. I just bought a tech shirt, 1 size smaller than what I used to run in!
7. Watch your favorite sporting events at the gym.
8. Share your progress on Facebook. I’ll use FB to be short and sweet, and this blog for a few longer thoughts
9. Buy a new pair of running shoes. Every 200-300 miles based on my graphs
10. Sign up for a fitness class.
11. Schedule it.
12. Visualize your goal.
13. Blog about your experience. And so journey begins
14. Watch an inspirational movie like Rocky. Miracle, Spirit of a Marathon.
15. Celebrate the wins.
16. Keep your makeup or your work shoes at the gym so you have to go.
17. Get a group. Is 2-3 friends a group?
18. Get a training plan. Modified as needed, but start with a Hal Higdon type plan
19. Get fueled. Runs not fueled absolutely suck!
20. Hydrate. I need to do better at this as it becomes hotter
21. Warm up.
22. Listen your body. Taking a week off can be clutch!
23. Rest up.
24. Hire a personal trainer. Friends can do the same, and cost much less
25. Buy a new app.
26. Take before and after pictures.
27. Reward yourself.
28. Borrow a dog.
29. Help a charity.
30. Sign up for a race. Sign up for multiple races
31. Make peer pressure work for you.
32. Join a club.
33. Try a new sport. Hockey will be a part of me, but I see biking and swimming in the future.
34. Set up a friendly competition.
35. Buy a fitness DVD.
36. Make a plan.
37. Get a coach.
38. Inspire yourself.
39. Start slow. I may never win a race, but at least I’m out there day in and day out
40. Watch more TV. I have actually started watching less
41. Set out your workout clothes the night before.
42. Hide your keys at the bottom of you gym bag.
43. Park farther away. At $4 a gallon of gas, I’ll jump in the first spot I see and walk in from there.
44. Take the stairs. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t
45. Stop smoking. N/A
46. Keep a jump rope in your bag.
47. Make a bet. Gambling is fun, gambling with friends is more fun!
48. Make it a vacation. Detroit/Malibu/Disney in the future
49. Get dropped off somewhere.
50. Reward yourself with a nice meal out.
51. Put your alarm on the opposite side of the room.
52. Weigh yourself. Daily, and graphed
53. Throw on your favorite music and have a dance party.
54. Buy a video game that gets you moving.
55. Play with kids. Too often, we do not go “be like a kid again”. Pond hockey made me realize how I have to do this more, just go “be” and enjoy.
56. Get outside and do some gardening.
57. Go to a farmer's market.
58. Try volunteer work that involves manual labor.
59. Know your numbers.
60. Keep track of how many steps you take in a day.
61. Go camping, hiking or backpacking. Time to go!
62. Find a new trail. Love my GPS watch for this
63. Hula hoop.
64. Try pick-up basketball.
65. Join a league. Hockey, Hockey, Hockey
66. Sign up for a gym membership. But, it’s been so nice out lately, time to try the pool
67. Buy free weights.
68. Play in the water.
69. Walk.
70. Have a friend buy your groceries and only buy healthy stuff.
71. Start reading food labels. I am reading, now learning what to look for
72. Start by stretching.
73. Buy a goal outfit.
74. Read a health/motivational book. So many are out there, some good, some bad. Any suggestions?
75. Follow a blog.
76. Find a mentor.