Music gets to me, what can I say?
A couple of weeks ago, after days of rain, it was finally sunny out all day. I happened to be in Indianapolis for my friends wedding, and I went for a run in downtown and a park. Amazing, and the U2 song "Beautiful Day" was stuck in my head.
This weekend, I went for a short, awesome visit to the place I call home: Detroit. Regardless of what people say about the city, it's where I came to know my family the most and the place I call home. There is something about everyone's "home", wherever it may be.
Small highlights of Memorial Day in Detroit:
-Solid 7 mile run in my home city I have never gone to "just run" before
-Attacked by a bird, twice on this run
-First "wood working" with Dad in a long time
-Walk with baby niece and sis
-"Play time" with a 1 year old... always remind you how simple you can make life and enjoy it
-BBQ with family
-Enjoyed cooking/prepping with mom/dad for the first time in a long time.
-Casino Fun - of course I lost
Along the way I heard this song again that sums it up- One Republic - Good life
Despite what gets you down, finances, weight, work, troubles in life, I can always find some comfort in a good song.
Music is the second best thing in the world (after family) and makes everything better. You should go to Bonnaroo with me next Thursday Ken!